Tuesday, November 07, 2006

7 things that scare me:
-no tomorrows
-hp bill burst
-hp got confiscated
-computer break down
-parting wif my dears
-when shihan's angry O.O

7 favourite music at that moment:
-bai se feng che
-ding jian gao shou
-hi ya ya
-ting ma ma de hua
-never can rewind
-rising sun

7 people i fancy:
-chu thing
-jek x)

7 things i say most:
-bu dong leh
-dunno lar
-c first
-wah lao
-oh my god

7 things i like most:
-shopping! =x
-times i spent wif boyboy ((:
-times i spent wif my frens
-everybody happy happy =D

7 people needed to do this survey:

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